Advanced- invention for Melody


Today we started an exciting new project! Students are going to utilize their knowledge from reading “Out of My Mind” to create an invention that could make Melody’s life easier.

We will work on this for the next week and a half. Students will have 3 days for planning, drawing, and labeling. Then then will have 3 days for “building”. They will present to each other next Thursday during class. *This is NOT a formal presentation. They will simply explain what their invention does.* They will build 3D models (“prototypes”) of their inventions in class. The model must be built from recycled materials and it must fit on their desk. It does not have to function. These will be more model than true prototype.

Here is where I need your help. Please allow your child to collect recycled materials from your home over the next few days and bring them to class on Monday. Also, they may need to bring a hot glue gun or tape from home. I can supply construction paper, scissors (if needed), and some recycled materials.

This is not meant to be worked on at home. This is an entirely in-class project.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

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