week 22: January 25-29


Monday- read “Smart about Medicine”
Tuesday- complete questions
Wednesday- early release- complete assignments/read
Thursday- read “Self Help”
Friday- complete questions

Monday- read “Smart about Medicine” and complete questions
Tuesday- read “Self Help” and complete questions
Wednesday- early release- complete assignments/read
Thursday- Black History mini project-research a black author or poet and create presentation
Friday- present author/poet to the class

Don’t forget, we now have a daily reading log via Google forms that you will complete during class each day. These will all count towards a daily grade each week. Each reading log is 20 points (25 during a 4 day week). If one is missing, that is 20 points off of your grade for that week.

Remember, I am available for tutoring/extra help Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays during enrichment. I am also in my room from 7:30-7:55 Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
However, if I don’t know you’re coming, I might not be in my room. Please let me know if you are coming to see me for help ahead of time. If I don’t have any students coming to me, then I use that time to do other things.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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